Childhood Cancer
Cluster Busters

Approximately 15,780 children will be diagnosed with cancer this year in the United States. Toxic contamination is a known contributor to the alarming number of children diagnosed with cancer each year. Trevor’s Law was signed into law in 2016 but the Federal Government has failed to act, and our children are suffering the consequences. We introduced our Childhood Cancer Cluster Buster Program to track childhood cancer cases and identify and clean up childhood cancer cluster sights across the United States to help provide a safer community for our children and their loved ones to live in.


Childhood Cancer Cluster Buster Program

Phase 1: Involves the tracking of childhood cancer cases nationwide. Individuals who have been impacted by childhood cancer, whether it’s a spouse, sibling, self or other loved one or friend may self report to our Childhood Cancer Map below.

Phase 2: Inputed childhood cancer cases report to a map, allowing us to identify childhood cancer clusters.

Phase 3: We will work with key scientists we have selected to perform investigations in communities we have identified as having a childhood cancer cluster to expose sources of toxic contamination in the area.

Phase 4: Remediation and clean up! Trevor’s Trek will oversee remediation and clean up efforts in communities where we have uncovered contamination sources.

Childhood Cancer Map

Click on the plus symbol on the top right hand corner of the map to enter your childhood cancer case!
+Add a case
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